The Untouchable Door

Chapter 1 — A Few Days Ago

Unassigned Female
3 min readMar 22, 2024

My birthday is tomorrow; I’m turning seventeen. Grandpa Jack Always says this one is the most important of them all. I’ve asked him why many times, but I gave up. He always stares at me as if at the edge of saying something, but never does!

Maybe it’s just my imagination — maybe I’m just going crazy by the mere thought that there might just be more than what meets the eye to this life of mine…Nevertheless, he always promises that he would tell me on my 17th birthday. I’ve always been so excited, but lately, I’ve had a weird feeling about it — as if something had gone wrong.

A few days ago, I heard Granpa Jack arguing with someone in his office. At first, I assumed it was with my grandma; but then I heard them talking about my parents had left me with my grandparents. My grandma never ever talks about that. I knew it wasn’t her, and as I released, I saw her walking down the kitchen. I ran to her and asked her who was Grandpa Jack talking to.

“Oh, it’s properly a work colleague. Jack told me he needed to meet with someone to discuss the company’s economy”, she replied without batting an eye towards me.

I nodded and walked away. Something my grandma has never been able to do is lie. It was so obvious to me that she was hiding something. Thought, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out this was a lie given they were talking about my parents — what does that have to do with the company?



Unassigned Female

I don’t want to be known by anything more than by my words and their impact on your life | Author of Words of a Daughter & Timeless Lover | January 1st, 2021