Mistaken Paradise

Chapter 1 — Like a Feather

Unassigned Female
7 min readMar 22, 2024
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Sooner or later, everyone is bound to learn about love. It may not always be pleasant; maybe you have to keep trying to understand it before you can find “the one.” However, sometimes, on special occasions, we get to connect with the right person at the right time, and it works out. You are able to spend the rest of your life with this, your soulmate. Of course, nothing is truly perfect. Things can get gruesome, but you get to work through the challenges with the person you love. I guess some people believe that’s good enough and makes it worth it.

Not me, though. I mean, I believe true love is real but rare as fuck. In my opinion, finding true love is like looking for a needle in a haystack — I’m sure people find it, but it definitely doesn’t happen for all of us. Something like every eight people from the billions in the whole wide world might find it. Unfortunately, millions think they found it; but they couldn’t be more wrong. They think they are lucky, but that’s never truly certain. You never know if that person is truly “the one” — the one you are destined to spend the rest of your life with, so why even bother?

Why try so hard to find something that might not even exist for you?

I try to be open-minded and believe that perhaps ‘love is around the corner’ or whatever, but honestly, I…



Unassigned Female

I don’t want to be known by anything more than by my words and their impact on your life | Author of Words of a Daughter & Timeless Lover | January 1st, 2021