Mistaken Paradise

Chapter 2 — Shadows in the Dark

Unassigned Female
9 min readMar 23, 2024
Photo by Dave Reed on Unsplash

“Tuesday, 5:43 am, and I’m already tired, so tired…”

I yawn calmly because I know that the faster I get it in, the sooner I will need to get out of bed. I truly don’t want to go to school today, I am as tired as I could possibly be so early in the week.

I keep telling myself I don’t do so much ‘reminiscing’ at bedtime, but ugh, every single time I find myself “soul-searching” at crazy hours of the night. What is wrong with me? I keep doing this to myself. I wish I could miss a day today, I don’t feel like facing high school right now, but who am I kidding? There’s no way Tammie will ever let me miss a day.

Through the window next to my bed, I see the sunrise and hear how all the birds are joyfully singing around. They always do this in the morning; I’ve always wondered what they are singing that made them so glorious and pleasant to watch or where are they headed for the day. Birds are always flying, but I never get to see how far they go.

I like waking up early so I can experience this beautiful thing every morning, just a way to make the day easier. I know, it doesn’t sound pleasant AT ALL, and truly, at this very moment, I am so regretting this lifestyle I chose. However, it’s like that quote that you’ve probably heard somewhere: “It is not the days, but



Unassigned Female

I don’t want to be known by anything more than by my words and their impact on your life | Author of Words of a Daughter & Timeless Lover | January 1st, 2021